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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Scott Carrithers
Steve Panknin • George Morris • Jeff Goble • Chris Thompson • Sean Doherty
Robert Brickson • Kevin Doyle • Lonnie Harris •  Mark Tranckino 
Robert Schuyler 
Tom Toburen • Josh Kiefer • Nicole Burczyk • Kelley Frye • Natalie Regan • Aaron Stoffer

US Treasury Market

Date 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 20 yr 30 yr
9/13/17 .99 1.04 1.16 1.27 1.35 1.48 1.78 2.01 2.20 2.53 2.79
9/14/17 .99 1.05 1.17 1.28 1.37 1.50 1.79 2.01 2.20 2.52 2.77
9/15/17 .98 1.05 1.17 1.30 1.39 1.53 1.81 2.04 2.20 2.52 2.77
9/18/17 .96 1.05 1.18 1.30 1.40 1.54 1.83 2.06 2.23 2.56 2.80
9/19/17 .97 1.04 1.19 1.31 1.40 1.55 1.84 2.07 2.24 2.57 2.81


Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury, as of 9/19/17


T Minus 3 Hours

We are on the heels of today’s Fed announcement.  At 1PM CST the FOMC will conclude their meeting and everyone is anxiously awaiting the plan for the Fed’s balance sheet- how much and how soon?  Additionally, we have been watching the probability of the next rate hike move closer, with the December meeting having a probability of over 50% now.  Just over one month ago on August 16th, at the time of the release of the July FOMC Minutes, it wasn’t until March 2018 that there was over a 50% probability of a hike.  In the past five weeks leading into this rate hike probability climbing, there has not been lack of market volatility.  Though MoM we are almost unchanged on the 10YR USTN and the spread on 2-10YR USTN has narrowed 7bps.  If Yellen speaks to a December rate hike, yields will likely move higher almost immediately.

We will see what unfolds in just a few hours.  In the meantime, if you are of the mindset that rates will rise after the meeting and could stay there until December or longer, and you are in a situation to look at taking gains or need to get rid of problem bonds in your portfolio before year-end– call your Capital Markets representative to help with a last minute clean up.

Source: Bloomberg, L.P.


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